in my head

The past few weeks, I haven’t touched a brush or pencil to produce anything creative, though I have every intention to paint and draw, I just haven’t. But there was this little voice within me that just kept repeating, like a broken record,  just pick up a brush, just paint something, anything.. Which happened every time i entered my art space..  So I just gave in one day, grabbed the first thing  I saw, a foam board, acrylic paints and just started painting. No fussing, no thinking, just painted. And within the day produced this piece.  Sometimes we have to please the small voice within.

acrylic on board

Decided to sketch some while watching TV..

August came to an end.. so my last drawing for the month.

Well i bought a new set of oil pastels, was like a kid with a new toy. Same day I created a quick sketch..  goodbye august, you were a good month, a little too hot but very fun!.

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