
Without a plan, I just let the paint take form on paper and this image came forth, as the words “my mind is full” swirled in my head..




Watercolor on paper.

Painting process

The stages of my painting. The inspiration for this one came from a walk in my neighborhood, I was drawn to this gritty old house and stormy clouds above. I took a photograph and later decided to paint it.


I used acrylic paint on a 20×20 gallery wrapped canvas. It took me about 4 days to complete, on and off painting a few hours a day.



This is the photograph that inspired me, I did tweak the image to adjust to my composition and style of painting.

Deconstruct mode

Let me take you on my journey, the process of creating this mixed media family portrait (caricature)   I began by using recycled material, in this case I used a composite board that was part of a frame, it is the base in which I build upon…

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Lately I have been experimenting with cut paper, and other materials to mix up my creations, thanks to my participation in the 100 artworks challenge,

Using my composite board as base, and a beach theme, my background consists of various patterns, colors and shapes. My art drug of choice Mod  Podge (matte medium and glossy) to adhere the paper to the board and also coat everything when completed.


After the background is in place, rough sketches were made for the  portrait rendering.  Played around with the cut sketches to figure out my placement and size. When satisfied with the look, I transferred the drawing onto watercolor paper (Canson cold press 140lbs) painted with (Rowney) Watercolor and black marker was used to render the portraits.


When the watercolor portraits were completed, I cut out each person to adhere individually to the board. Some finishing touches were added, cut paper birds, surf board and use of metallic marker. Final step, coating the entire board with matte medium Mod Podge including a coat of a glossy finish for the surf board and just the ocean area.


The finished product

-watercolor, marker and cut paper on board

Piece together

Sometimes the process of doing can be more therapeutic than the completion of the product. As I tore the decorative paper in pieces and glued it randomly on the board, at that moment I realized we may be torn on the inside but it would be alright, we can be fixed, one imperfect piece at a time.

Day 4  100 artworks challenge – Mixed Media, decorative paper, watercolor, acrylic, pen & pencil on wood panel

